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My Lovelies… I need you! The Aftermath has arrived! #ASMSG #Poetry

Penelope Jones

Anyone know what day it is?  It’s O-M-G! Release day for “Iniquitous Solace: The Aftermath”


I’ve told you about the book so many times… I feel like I’m shoving it down your throat… So I promise to be brief.


Iniquitous Solace theOriginalwas my baby. I nurtured it, I cultivated it, I went out and whispered sweet nothings in all my lovelies ears to read it, and then had the carpet yanked out from under my feet.


Well… I dissected the original. I’ve created a new concept, and produced hopefully an even better idea.   Something that even more people can dive into and get lost inside.


We all want to fall in love and for it to last a lifetime. But life and wishes rarely coincide, so what happens when love dies and you’re the only one still holding onto broken dreams?

In Iniquitous Solace – The Aftermath

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